
some dealers hinted to me that if i were to organize a hifi show in kl, they would support me.

they wanted something more niche, more focused and themed along the high-end. they wanted a "best sound of the show" kind of competition among the dealers, with panel of judges coming from renowned and respected audiophiles in malaysia; they wanted more overseas visitors; they wanted more prestige...

though i love organizing events, it boggles my mind to think of the logistics, politics (among the dealers) and sheer scale of doing such an event.

seriously, do you think we need another hifi show in malaysia?

give me your feedback, please!


Anonymous said...


I like the fact that you could tempt people to walk in to any room and have a listen to what the fuss is all about

Anonymous said...

Why not have a hi-end floor and help consolidate the klav show.

In UK there weere too many shows and it is hard to get all the brands under one roof[mainly politicking in force there]

I would really love to invite my overseas friends to come a long.

As far as I am concerned, The Munich Hi -end show is tyhe best.

Anonymous said...

We need more local importer and dealers to come to the AV show.

I think you could play a vital role in advising them to get the best out of power supply ,room acoustic etc...

Anonymous said...

dear Maggielurva,
I think you seriously should be the main ambassadors for the dealer to help them get the best out of the show

Case in point .I do not know whether you all rememeber the Macintosh room last year..

Well I am not a big fan of Mac but the sound the dealer generated from the Macintosh room was by far the best of the sure,truly superb!!!

On the other hand being an owner of Avant garde room was horrendous,,,!!!!The room was small the speaker positiong odd,and the choice of music can't be more wrong!!! You are talking abt Avant Garde and you try to show its strenghtby playing bass guitar solo??you've got to be kidding me!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think we need another hifi show. Who needs the politics.

I think what we really need is to have dealers working well to have their best system at the current hifi show, not showing their mid or low rank stuff. Their job is to attract the younger generation into hifi. Without newbies into this hobby, they cannot sustain their business.

Anonymous said...

Ken is absolutely spot on!![Yet again}

1.We need more reference system showing at the show[a la the Spectral set up MNaggie heard in Singapore}

2.We need dealers who know how to set up good sounding rooms with the limitation of time place and space[Maggie please help them!!!

3.Special attention to good power supply even if you have to use your competitors product!!!

4.special show deals..

Hope Maggie could coordinate and look forward to this year's KLIAV show

Anonymous said...

no!!! Just make the this yr's show better!!!!

Anonymous said...

we could have a MINI show of reference systems but i think it has to be together with thAV show

Anonymous said...

We need more reference system in this year"s hi-fi show.I know Spectral is not fond of showing their products at shows but I do hope that they would come down to kl this time...

And Centrecircle perharps could show their Aedio Aero Capitole that we have read so much about..how about Wadia,Weiss ,Oracle...I hope Maggie you could do some lobbying on our behalf{Petty please!!!!!]

1minutefilmreview said...

Definitely need the show. As you said earlier Maggie,hi-fi's going mainstream. We're sure local dealers will support you.

GCK said...

I think the market here is small compared to other places like HongKong. We don't need another show. I think make the current KLAV show better. Organise it better. Have one floor for high end stuffs, one floor for AV only. They can go and bang bang each other.

Anonymous said...

I think most of the demo rooms in previous years do not pay particular attention to good acoustics and power supply..

i remember a room showing hi-end stuff and the sound was horrible..guess what ? 2 dimmers were working full force!!1don't they know that the light dimmers][with computers] are the biggest poluters of current?And I don't see any RGPC or shunyata in the rooms ..so what if you are not the deealers for those products

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...


thanks for the input.

the fact that i want to organize my own show means i can have influencing power over the participating dealers.

with KLIAV, i have no say...

so i heed your advice and stay off from this game!

Anonymous said...

Why another one when the current one has crap/snob dealers/demos? Hi-end show for hi-end hifi? For snob appeal for snobby people and even snobbier dealers? Concentrate on 'hi-end sound' rather than 'mega bucks' stuff that's what I rather see and hear. Play popular music on systems (not just some mandarin singer on repeat), ban A/V, insist on a running demo in rooms rather then just having equipment 'on sale'.
One floor for a/v and hi-end? Great!! Leave the rest for more down to earth people. Ha! My 2 cents.