
i am not sure if it is due to panzer's promotion in this blog, furutech IEC plugs have been selling like hot cakes with all the dealers. one dealer even gets orders from ipoh.

i guess the price/performance plays a part too. between the standard hubbell/wattgate and high-end oyaide, there isn't much choice in between. it is also a good sign that audiophiles are willing to spend on what is traditionally considered "insignificant" in the past.

so i have done what i have been wanting all these years - change all my IEC plugs (male & female) to furutech FI-25 (gold). it cost me a cool RM1K.

didn't i say i am mean? ;-)

Audio Matic (Eugene - 012-3222698)
Centre Circle (Nelson - 012-2876807)
Dong Fong (Ken Sin - 012-4678788)

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Anonymous said...

Other than Furutech, is anybody able to get Oyaide in Malaysia?

Anonymous said...

yup,it was at least for me because of panzers recommendations...maybe he should get a cut

Anonymous said...

please report to us the improvement you hear!!!

Anonymous said...

Recook all your cables for 3-4 daysafter reterminations ,and your world will change..........

Panzer said...

Anonymous 12.10PM,

I have not seen the real Oyaide on sale in Malaysia, but did see them in Adelphi Singapore. The sticker price for the P-037 IEC model is SGD$146. Do the exchange rate(2.45) math yourself, and you'll probably see why the Furutech is such good value?

Anonymous said...

Sure or not, I checked with an Adelphi shop which sells the Oyaide P037 and I was told it was $105

Anonymous said...

The below Singapore blog will tell you how much he paid for the P037 in Singapore. It's S$105, and not S$146


Incidentally price of Furutech products in Singapore are also on par with Oyaide, I don't see how Oyaide can be much more expensive than Furutech's

Panzer said...

Anoymous 9.50am,

That's the sticker price that I thought I saw. I am sure you can get them at the price you mentioned in SG with a little bargaining. Thanks for the heads up.

Now, should I be in SG again soon, I may be tempted get an original Oyaide P037 to try out. Maybe even shoot out against the Furutech FI-11!