centre circle is committed to make auralex the acoustics treatment of choice in malaysia. you can recommend auralex to your friends who have the following businesses/applications/facilities:
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auralex has launched a new line called HomeDesign™ (HD) series which aims to please aesthetically as well as to offer unsurpassed acoustic treatment.
[1] subdude HD
for a moment, i thought this is some medication to pacify a juvenile drunkard! hey, auralex does have a sense of humor yeah!
The Auralex SubDude(HD) is a 15" x 15" x 2.5" platform wrapped with a cleanable black velour to fit any room setting. Its purpose is to prevent sound from transmitting through your subwoofer to surrounding surfaces.

offer price - RM450 only
[2] subdude
The Auralex SubDude is a 15" x 15" x 2.5" platform wrapped with ozite to fit any room setting. Its purpose is to prevent sound from transmitting through your subwoofer to surrounding surfaces.

offer price - RM320 only
[3] speakerdudes (HD)
SpeakerDudes(HD) are isolators for your speakers. They will decouple your speakers from the surface they rest upon, resulting in a more pure, accurate tone. Low frequencies will be projected and will no longer lack the definition you desire. Mid and high frequencies will be crisp and intelligible. Rattles and resonances will be a thing of the past.

offer price - RM350 only
[4] gramma & great gramma
The GRAMMA (Gig and Recording, Amp and Monitor, Modulation Attenuator) is an incredibly effective patented device that's used to float an amp or loudspeaker.
GRAMMA yields nearly total acoustic isolation, resulting in a purity of tone that has to be heard to be believed!

offer price - Gramma RM320/Great Gramma RM620
[5] moPAD
MoPAD Monitor Isolation Pads provide sonic isolation between your monitors and whatever your monitors are resting on, INSTANTLY improving the accuracy of your entire monitoring system

offer price - RM230
please help nelson (012-2876807) of centre circle to spread the news about these goodies to your friends in hifi and professional audio!
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