
The new shop front display.

The cosy main audio demo area.

Remember the ol' City Square building? For many years, it used to be the hifi mecca of Kuala Lumpur. However, as of late last year, the building was scheduled for demolition works, to make way for presumably a bigger, more prominent and probably more lucrative(rental returns wise) building project. All the hifi and audio stores have left the building and went their separate ways. As we try to trace where some of them had moved to, we found Rave Systems, and it's owner unker Edwin Tan and his rather chatty Mrs. It's new location is Lot1.4, Level 1, PNB Darby Park. No.10 Jalan Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. If you need assistance in finding the place, you can call the following tel. no. 03-21632818 or 012-3241745.

Jadis equipment and Herron Audio phono stage, also Jennifer Warnes latest re-issue of "The Hunter" LP, only 8000 copies pressed for worldwide sale.

More Jadis tube amp galore.

For those who do not know what Rave Systems sells, here goes. They represent some of the biggest brands in hi-end, like Jadis, Wilson Benesch, Herron Audio, Gryphon, Rega, EAR Yoshino, Almarro and Weiss. Rave also carries some really good value for money audio brands, like Stello, April Music, NAD, Ho's and Musical Interface amongst others. You can also find some DIY oddities, built to very high standards of course, being offered here.

Wilson Benesch's high tech Trinity speakers, with matching stands.

The Torus Infrasonic Generator sub, made from carbon fibre material to match the above Trinity speakers.

Wilson Benesch Full Circle turn table with matching carbon fibre A.C.T 0.5 tone arm.

Rave Systems is also a place for you to find out about the latest audiophile music. They stock most of the best audiophile music tittles in CD or LP. If you can't find it there, they can always bring any tittle you want on special order basis.

The music business corner.

Ho's LS3/5A BBC inspired monitor and matching bass extender.

Sonus Faber??? No, Musical Interface speakers! With matching stands.

Stello CD transport and DAC, endorsed by Mark Levinson. Great sound at very reasonable prices.

The decoration of the new show room has a very cosy feel, yet light and airy in ambiance. You can while away there for hours, while unker Edwin plays you some of his favourite music thru any one of his many finely tuned demo systems.

The Gryphon Diablo integrated amp.

And matching carpet!

I spent a few hours and some money there on an LP and CD over the weekend. If you're still looking for Rave Systems and wondering what happened to them since the City Square days, well wonder no more! Go pay them a visit!

Go pay Rave Systems, and unker Edwin Tan a visit!

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