
something exciting is happening in HK cantopop scene....

realizing commercial k-song (karaoke songs) is nearing its death, many producers are considering asking songwriters from the 80s to come out from their retirement and contribute to the dwindling music industry. early 80s to early 90s were the golden era of cantopop; we have seen many superstars in the likes of leslie cheung, danny chan, alan tam and jacky cheung emerged during that period of boom. their records used to sell by the millions. and seriously, cantopop then was so much better than the cantopop you hear today.

if you are a close observer of hk cantopop scene, you would realize that favourite k-song singers like miriam yeung and joey yeung are already going downhill and past their prime. new breed of singers like kay tse, hins cheung and even eason chan are starting to command their own destiny by "singing only the songs they like" with as little compromise as possible. this is indeed heartening. major labels letting their key artistes decide their own destiny? it can only happen to big artistes like kay, eason and hins, i suppose. still, i applaud these bold artistes and their spirits.

along this return to nostalgia, we have already seen how successful william so wing hong's latest outing is, now we have another gem in hins cheung's "love and living" [張敬軒:感情生活].

truth be told, i have never ever been a fan of hins cheung and i don't even own a single cd of his. but this album, you don't only buy one, you have to buy a few copies and give it to your friends as presents!

the cast of illustrious composers from the 80s include anthony lun (who got his fame from his close partnership with sandy lam), chui yatt kan (who got his fame from his major contribution to danny chan's career) and of course, the unmistakable "moustached music man" george lam chi cheung.

the result: it is almost like danny chan (pak keung) and alan tam being reborn.... what a fabulously nostalgic trip back to the glorious 80s! who cares about hins' vocal ability when the music is so great. at times, hins sounds so much like danny chan that had me quivering with delight!

the whole album is great but i have to single out track 3, track 4, track 7, track 8, track 9 as the outstanding ones. in particular, track 4 made my cry; such a melodious gem from great composer christopher chak.

if you stopped buying cantopop since alan tam's heyday, if you stopped buying cantopop albums because you think they are crappy.... you have to buy this album to regain your faith.

the glorious 80s era are back!

p/s heard that hins cheung is going to invite joseph ku (ku kar fei) to write for his next album... can you beat that?


Ken said...

Hopefully the good songs will come and continue to come.

To me the mid 90s till now represents the era of songs with forgettable tunes. Singers like Kelly Chen and Sammi Cheng are the "face" of this types of songs.

Son Ma Chai said...

May consider try out this CD and assess whether canto pop of the golden era (late 70s till mid 80s) any chance still be rescued.

jam-jam said...

i love this cd as well!