
sometimes, it is not that i can't get loaners from dealers and do reviews, it is because i don't want to get hooked and at the same time, not having the means to buy.

i have long promised on the battle of power conditioners. i still can't get the ps audio ppp yet; i need to personally call atven. one day it will happen.

meanwhile, eugene of audio matic has kindly loaned me a new unit of shunyata hydra 4, said to be the same in terms of technology with its more expensive siblings, the hydra 6 and 8. (the v-ray is a different kettle of fish altogether, i was told)

i am not the kind of who chases technology. once i like something (like the richard gray, which is love at first sight), i am very lazy to compare it with the latest technology, unless it promises a quantum leap. hmmm...that applies to women as well. i think i make a good husband material :-)

right out of the box, the hydra 4 sounded dull and unexciting. but after 2 hours, it started to sound right. i promised eugene to run in this unit for him, which is another 200 hours.

but first impression is always lasting. i found the hydra 4 to have better dynamic contrast, transient speed and attack than my RGPC 600S. very evident even in the first few hours. the guitar plucking has more energy and contrast of strength.

to all my "kakis" who have bought the RPGC, stay tuned for my final report.

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