
It’s all too peaceful, so calm and quiet. No big bang, no big scream, just so quiet.

This is where I was blessed with the wise wisdom of enlightenment.

So simple, anything better than this is just beautification.

Excessiveness that can be ignored, that can be reduced to reveal the ever more truthfulness.

It’s all about perfect transformation, from potential to energy and back to calmness again.

When a setup is able to convey such perfect timing and speed, everything is just so beautiful, so cohesive and so complete in the ONE-ness.

Every music instrument has got their own minimal energy requirement to make them sing, further variations on forces applied to them is how the musicians convey the emotions and soul to us.

If the setup is able to give you the energy emancipation point, the single point where it all started, then you’ll get a realism never before experienced. This would give you the core of any instruments, the body, the soul and the emotions of every single piece of instruments!

Then the harmonic textures set in, the moment where the notes linger on, sustaining enough momentum to move you and shaken you with inner ripple of emotions and sensations.

The decays just let the experience sips in, reaching deep within your cells, your bones and your mind. It sends the chills down your spine, and then you know you have been touched!

The one and only one altruism purpose, to be touched by music, can only be achieved by the unrelenting chase to perfection. But it has never occurred to me that it happened to me just that simply!

I am indeed blessed!


maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

is that the bed besides the right speaker? poor kid, sacrificed everything for hifi.... LOL :-)

Anonymous said...

you gotta lose that cheesy looking chair..

Lil' KC 小雞雞 said...

Aiya, I stay in this little crib lar. Wanted to get an IKEA couch but I would end up in an even smaller space.

But then, if you hear the sound and don't get touched, I would chuck them down from 10th floor. Hahaha...

Do I need to jump also?