
Players below 15K that I have heard briefly or extensively, at home or in demo:

McIntosh MCD201
Naim CD5X
Marantz SA11
Meridian G08
Ayre CX-7e
Bladelius Freja SE
Vimak DT-600

Anyone who manage to guess which one I would buy would get a free CD from me!

Let me see which CD...


Anonymous said...

wah! all are good player. But I guess you will take Meridian G08 or Bladelius Freja SE.

amateur gardener said...

I bet its the mac.

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

my bet would be the dcs scarlatti....oppps! it is not even inside there :-)

Lil' KC 小雞雞 said...

I'll put on a list of good CDs for you guys to choose.

Should be up by tonite.

But the CDP won't be here so soon.

Anonymous said...

Huh? What happened to the Rega?
Ok I read it again "would buy?". I can only ask why you did not in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Aha, I would bet my dollar on the Marantz SA-11S1.

GlySinn said...

Buy all of them... Try them for a few months...then sell the ones you could live without. :)