
Me and Goldmund's Michel Reverchon. A talk with him furnished me with better understanding of Goldmund's philosophy and underlying belief. Goldmund is still one of the better sounding setups in the show disregard of my experience with its SACD player, EIDOS 18CD.

Leif Olofsson of Marten Design opened my eyes on what 4-piece desgin could achieve! Coltrane showed how pristine the highs and mids could be, but the Coltrane Supreme showed what possibilities one could achieve with no-hold-barrel 4-piece design! 1.2mil sure buys you dreams!

Jorma Koski of Jorma Design, designer of Jorma cables. I love cables! I believe in cables! I respect him for his effort in putting in the best to produce Jorma cables. The range is not complete yet, but still, RM280K on an incomplete range!

Saw him 2 days straight in Hi End Research room, friendly guy. Forgot to ask if he's got anything to do with them, or is he an audiophile?!

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