i chanced upon this eardoctor's blog yesterday, it turns out to be a fantastic audio blog from taiwan!

the blogger, an ENT specialist, i believe, dabbles in all the super duper hi-end stuff and shares all this adventures with the readers. from reading, you can find out that he was once a maggie lover too but now he owns a watt/puppy 7. we were so envious of him cos he gets to audition the very best of hi-end today, which we malaysians can't possibly afford...

also, it gives you a feel of the vibrancy of the hi-fi circle in taiwan. most of the taiwanese hi-end audiophiles have dedicated rooms, play turntables, have massive collection of LPs and are true perfectionists.

we are trying to do a RSS (really simple syndication) with this blog so that you readers can read his latest blog entries in my blog as well.

english readers may be disappointed to know that eardoctor blogs in chinese but still, you can ogle at the pictures!

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