NBS is one of the brands I frequently heard of when I started off, usually, they come in huge price tags and endorsed by hi-enders locally and abroad. I guess with an alias like “No Bull Shit”, they sure worth their salt.

The moment I plugged the Omega Jr in to my RGPC, omigod, it’s like my setup had gone on Viagra! I was very much carried on a roller coaster ride, it just kept on going on and on. The 2 traits that struck me were the authoritive bass and sharp image outline!

The bass was, phew, fast and taut with no excessive fat or bloom. The delivery was nothing short on breath, giving a precise grip on the beat and rhythm. With its clean and crystal clear nature, the image was very well defined. The image focus was spot on and the instruments were vividly anchored in their acoustic space.

With this, you could actually “see” the lips of the singers. There was just no way you could not pick out the lines from the songs, it was that focused! The tight focus might be due to its extended, weighty and forceful highs. Well, this cord really meant business in drive, listen to any drum track and you’ll know what I mean! The visceral impact was just mind boggling!

Across the frequency spectrum, I could only attribute it to clean, pristine, neutral and refined. But does it qualify to be the cord for everyone? Yes and no like usual.

For bloomy, slow and mellow tube setups, it might be the one to bring balance to the overall presentation. It would definitely clean up the bloom to give a precise image, put pace in the setup and bring that extra zing to engage you in the music.

For solid state, I really doubt it would cut it due to its overly fast nature. And cutting more bloom from ss would simply be disastrous! What I really wanted to try is to put it with Naim and see the best rockers perform together!

My quote for it? It makes a French bread out of overnite yau char kwai!

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