
many know me as a diehard planar+ribbon speaker supporter. my first love was given to the apogee and my 2nd and current love is with the magneplanar. a planar diehard would remain a planar diehard no matter what, even when people are accusing the planar of not doing enough bass and lacking dynamic punch. the thing is, a planar can do many things that a similarly-priced box speaker can't and it produces music like no other.

yet if i were to die today, i will regret of not having owned a martin logan, not exactly a planar but an electrostatic hybrid with an equally beguiling mids and one that excels in soundstaging. past detractors of martin logan have always been accusing the speaker's lack of integrity with its cone woofer but this accusation is justifiably brought to an end with the release of the "summit", its latest statement model.

moving ahead with times, martin logan has entered a new era with its latest release, the purity. purity is powered with a 200-watter digital amplifier hence it dispenses the need for external amplifier/s. what's more, it is made for the iPod generation, with host of system connectivity options. equipped with a standard line-level input, purity is able to connect directly to devices such as digital music players, flat screen televisions or even computers. additional speaker level inputs also allow purity to function in a more traditional receiver or pre-amp equipped 2-channel or home theater system.

like the summit, purity integrates perfectly with its high-resolution 6.5-inch aluminum cone woofers to supply an authoritative bass performance that will give most stand-alone subwoofers a run for their money.

retailing at RM13K, purity will definitely add class, elegance and great music to your home. the question is, are you ready for the great electrostatic sound?

norman audio (019-3189911)


Anonymous said...

wow you've got good taste!!!Planar and ribbon ,cant get more musical than that.No wonder you could enjoy pop /mainstream music.You have got a very musical speaker.

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

hi fion,


after 19 years in the hobby, i have come a long way in getting the sound that i always wanted. long gone were the days i get fixated on just hifi hardware and pressing the repeat button on the remote control . these days, i just bask in the glory of music and it feels like heaven ;-)

my next dream is the mbl 101E but i have to start buying lottery ;-)

Anonymous said...

Summit is like US10K how are you getting RM13K?

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

dude, the subject is purity and it is USD2,999 ;-)

Anonymous said... has it at £8498.