
recording is a arduous process and roger is not the kind of marathon musician that can go on and on. a lot of times, when we felt that he wasn't in the right mood in giving the right "feel" for the song, we would take a break or a short rest.

and for the past two sessions, we have been consuming this superb pork intestine soup in shamelin food court and the ming kee's BBQ pork just opposite our studio, respectively. roger fell in love with this soup instantly and he had been consuming it almost everyday. it works wonders! many a times, after the lunch break, roger would slow down considerably (due to full stomach, we suppose) and start to play really mellow and 'in the mood'. we were all shocked by the dramatic effect! even winnie, who thinks consuming chilli would help her to open up her vocal chord, would start to sing better and get into the right mood.

so, the joke among us is that if you ever feel uninspired, take some pork!


the photo shooting in yippieyaya studio in kelana jaya is a truly fun session. the two gals were all dressed to the nine by our image consultant. even roger looked smart throughout, tho' he wasn't use this this kind of elaborate shooting.

i have never been to a full-day shooting session so this is some sort of an eye opener for me too. the trio was given 3 costume sets and they have to pose for individual shots as well as team shots. i managed to capture some of these on my camera but it didn't turn up well.

the shooting is really for our album cover, poster and other promo materials in the future. we are spending close to RM8K for this whole thing, quite a lot of money if you ask me. but looking at the creative work done by the photography team, i am happy to say that every sen is worth it.

for the album cover concept, our creative director eddy mooted the concept of "music in motion". so he wanted the three members of 2V1G to be in a moving state, instead of posing still. it was so fun to see the three of them jumping, dancing, and moving about randomly in front of the camera! even roger, who initially seemed reluctant to join in the fun, started to relax and really participate in the shooting. needless to say, regine and winnie had a field day posing in front of the camera!

i dare to say that our album cover is gonna be real cool.

the AKG mic was stolen on the same day we had our photo shooting. this is the incidence that marred what has been so far a perfect time for all of us involved in the project.


Anonymous said...

Guess the new album cannot be classified halal now ;-)

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

haha... i think we also should avoid calling the group "2V1G" as well, if you get my drift :-)

netken said...

when do u anticipate the album release again? u have my full support :D

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

hi netken,

if all goes well, mid of january 2008. we will have pre-order/sale in this blog maybe 1 week before the release. make sure you let all your kaki know!

thanks for the support!

Unknown said...

will you kindly send me the contacts of yipieyaya studio? they seems to be good photographer