
tube magic at the end of its life - glorious, sublime and stunning sound

solid state supporters would never experience what i call "the last hurrah" of tubes.

just moments before any tube dies/degrades, if will emanate the most glorious of sound, the best ever you can get in your system!

let me describe the dying moments - all of a sudden the sound acquires extreme liquidity; everything just floats in a thick cloud of ambience; the rhythm and pace improves tremendously and the soundstage opens up like there is no tomorrow. it was like nirvana right infront of you.

this is the 2nd time i experience this right infront of my eyes. this time it happened around 2am on monday morning, after yee re-terminated my power cord.

i sat there speechless, stunned, at the same time, getting excited that i could experience this amazing phenomenon for the 2nd time. i sms-ed everyone.

but sadly, it didn't last for long. from that moment onwards, it was downhill all the way!

but, god, it was glorious and sublime while it lasted!

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