it is kinda funny. when you are a music and hi-fi die-hard, all your investment ideas would invariably center around this hobby. let's be clear, music and hifi business won't make your rich, that we know that from day one. neither do we want to be poor and struggling artistes that are fed on thin air - we want to develop this music and hifi business into a reasonably successful one; enough to pay our bills, fund our lifestyles and have helluva fun while doing it. that's why we started av xpress, the music label and now another new exciting project.

tonight, i met mark, an indie producer for the past 15 years. sparks flew, chemistry glued and immediately we strike on a partnership deal. we want to bring well-known chinese indie artistes from taiwan and china to perform live in malaysia. again, no one has dabbled in this biz before because it is so niche. mark himself is a seasoned concert organizer; with our combined expertise and experience, we are confident that we can make money and have a good time. that's all i can reveal at the moment.

sorry that av xpress issue #2 has been delayed till next tuesday due to printing problems. i have been extremely tough on my printer in that i want nothing less than 100% in printing quality for av xpress. i have to answer to myself and my dealers who support me. so you can expect a aesthetically pleasing and content-rich publication soon.


Anonymous said...

Appreciate your hard work on pushing local music/av industry. The current generation is waiting for people like you who have the contacts/knowledge to savage them. Keep on good work.

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

Thanks for the encouragement!