i am getting this album by roger wang and farid ali! roger's recordings have always been great for audiophiles' consumption, i have great expectations with this album.

wait for my review ya.


Anonymous said...

Very nice album. With Farid Ali's influence, definitely has a diferent flavour. But I found the CD level a little loud.

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

hi anonymous,

have not really listened to it seriously but overall i like the feel and vibes of the album. yeah, farid definitely adds more variety to roger's style. i like track 3, "close to you"...

about the recording level, it is just slightly above the average.

spoke to roger last week. he told me that this cd is not mastered in s'pore due to budget constraint. i like find it a bit less warm than double take's x'mas album released last year.