
maggielurva: can i trouble you?
cheekeemm: am reading your exploits on the Pass
maggielurva: i need someone to carry my conrad-johnson into my car!
maggielurva: bloody heavy!
cheekeemm: how heavy is it?
maggielurva: about 40kg. but the box is big
maggielurva: can you come either today or 2moro?
maggielurva: at the same time you can listen to pass labs......
cheekeemm: 2morow maybe ~5pm?
maggielurva: ok
cheekeemm: on the pass sound
cheekeemm: it is not tubey
cheekeemm: the original aleph series does not sound like traditional sstate nor tube but possess a blend of both
maggielurva: it is a unique sound
cheekeemm: most likely this is due to the fact that it is a single ended design
cheekeemm: something like those single ended tubes
cheekeemm: but with more power, reliability
maggielurva: i am quite shocked that solid state can sound like that
cheekeemm: well i think there is only one std of sound
cheekeemm: both sstate and tubes are just difeerent paths
cheekeemm: eventually they should both converge
cheekeemm: on the one std of sound
maggielurva: no way!
cheekeemm: that's why i bought the aleph though i could only afford the cheapest
maggielurva: there is still a big gap b/w ss and tube
cheekeemm: i guess both have not found the ultimate sound qlty
maggielurva: ss still fails in the areas of lucid highs, intimacy, delicacy, wetness, and warmth, mids
maggielurva: you should come and listen to my ARC with the tungsol tubes
cheekeemm: well i think this is no place for such discussion- anyway we have been down this path many time
cheekeemm: and i think we both agree that we both hav different aspiration
maggielurva: so you are a ss guy?
cheekeemm: no
maggielurva: then
cheekeemm: i am open to any path as long as it gives me the result that i am seeking
cheekeemm: this is where we are different
maggielurva: i think you are the SET kind
cheekeemm: so far i find SET have qualities that i look for
cheekeemm: but the tube camp is too low powered
cheekeemm: or rather the high power ones i cannot afford
maggielurva: you can get horns what
cheekeemm: again horns have certain strengths i like but most have defficiencies that are only addressed in very expensive models like the avante grade
maggielurva: i think you would like this website and his ideologies http://www.high-endaudio.com/
cheekeemm: i like the trio
cheekeemm: well i tend to be a follower of peter qvoutrop of the early ANote fame
maggielurva: i totally disagree with this chap
cheekeemm: that's why i say we have different aspiration
maggielurva: no, i mean arthur salvotore
cheekeemm: i am for recreating the original sound
cheekeemm: well don't know about salvatore
maggielurva: read the website; it is rather lenghty
cheekeemm: ok
cheekeemm: my problem is looking for speakers that can shiine with my aleph
cheekeemm: its low power (could not afford the more expensive-powerful alephs) means limited pairing - 30W only
maggielurva: you would be happy to read that arthur salvatore doesn't think highly of ARC and maggie
maggielurva: he said ARC is lean and solid-state sounding and maggie "incohesive"
cheekeemm: i think your US ARC guru is right
cheekeemm: ARC made some great amps
cheekeemm: then a period of not-so-great amps and now back to greeat amps
cheekeemm: i find the maggies extremely transparent and liquid but needs high power & quality too: most expensive combination in an amp
maggielurva: afrer playing with c-j and pass, i now understand why there are so many camps in hi-fi
maggielurva: and why solid-state suppporter love ss sound
maggielurva: the mystery in my maggie power requirements is solved once and for all.
cheekeemm: ???
cheekeemm: huh?
maggielurva: yes, it does need huge power but TUBE power!!!
maggielurva: my CL120 satisfies 70% of the requirements. it would be perfect if i can get 200watter. that's why i am audiotining the VT200 this weekend
maggielurva: sure, i can't play loud and hard-rocking music but for intimate, small-scale work my CL120 is enough for me
cheekeemm: huge and QUALITY power. If tube is the one that delivers that quality you crave for, then you know your direction
cheekeemm: well how loud do you want?
maggielurva: as loud as the c-j plays!
cheekeemm: in a small space, even low wattage amp can sound loud
maggielurva: you should listen to c-j playing the diana krall live in paris!
cheekeemm: if you want huge reserves for control - that's not loud. it is about control
cheekeemm: well if u r trying to recreate concert environment
maggielurva: reserves, control, whatever...you know what my CL120 is lacking
cheekeemm: then good luck with maggies - lots of power and $$$
cheekeemm: well only lacking because u compared with a power house like CJ
maggielurva: fortunately, my musical tastes is towards the sedate kind, soft and simple
cheekeemm: ok
cheekeemm: at least u know that
maggielurva: you don't drive a bentley to race with ferrari
maggielurva: maggie is like a bentley, elegant and refined......
cheekeemm: then stick to CL120
cheekeemm: or other ARC amp designs
maggielurva: listening to these ss behemoth, makes me understand and appreciate my CL120 more
cheekeemm: wonder how would maggie-pass combination be with a CD player that has a SETube output stage?
maggielurva: c-j thrashes my CL120 when playing dianal krall and eric clapton unplugged!cheekeemm: i wonder if the Meridian output stage is single ended? hhmmmmm
maggielurva: no lah
cheekeemm: wouldn't know unless you have the literature.
cheekeemm: single ended circuits are not uncommon especially in low power application as in CD/preamp output stages.
maggielurva: everyone's tastes is different. at least i know and get what i like!
cheekeemm: ok

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