Let's continue with the KLIAV show report.
Electrades show cased the Sugden electronics and Spendor speaker combo in two systems, first the Sugden Masterclass series with Spendor S5e speakers which was making nice, warm, cuddly, if undistinguished music.Sugden Masterclass!
Electrades also showcased the Sugden A21 series electronics with the Spendor SA1 speakers, which were in "silent mode" when I got there. I've always loved the Sugden A21 amps.
The Norman Audio/Hi-Way Laser demo room featured Krell Evolution electronics driving the big, bad, ATC SCM50A SL speakers. Ken's favourite demo room!
SQC Audio from Singapore demoed this Canadian made, weird bomb like room tune contraption, called Sonic Enhancer, to be placed on top of speakers, or any where you deemed gives you the best sound! An enthusiastic uncle from Hong Kong demo-ed the 4 in 1 contraption, where you can split the unit in to 4 pcs spreading it's properties all over the room, or for maximum fire power, just stack all the 4 pcs together on top of your speaker. I heard some sound changes during the demo, but I could not ascertain if the sound changed for the better or worse. The demo was done using all DIY electronics!, the said uncle's handiwork. A breath of fresh air, perhaps?
My good ghost from the past caught up with me in the form of car audio boys, K.K. Lau and Extro Aim, a new company set up to market Micro Precision drivers for both car and home audio uses! The top of the line Z series feature speaker cones hand made from clam shells and other organic materials by Mr Thomas Hoffman in Germany. Even the speaker surround rubber is joint using organic latex sap, harvested from Christmas pine trees! It's also claimed to be "Probably the best sounding speaker in the world". Yeah, Probably!
Next up, is another claim to be "The best loudspeaker in the world, period!" room, yeah! you've guessed it. It's the YG Acoustic speaker demo room. Partnered with Audio Space Reference grade tube amps and Jungson Chinese made flagship CD player, the sound was very smooth and lush. But based on the said demo, YG's advert copy writer's claim will just have to wait to be proven in another more convincing demo. By the way, no one sells YG Acoustic speakers in Malaysia just yet, and they are inviting any interested parties to come forward to represent them.
A&L Audio demo-ed the Focus Audio FS88 driven by Densen electronics, and cables by Audioquest.
Tropical Audio demo-ed the Quad/Harbeth again!, as did every other year. This time it's the Harbeth Super HL5 to take center stage. Sam Chan is the antithesis of the typical audiophile in us. He throws caution to the wind, by using computer grade UPS for power supply and un balanced speaker wire length between the two chanels. Plus, I spotted a hasty speaker wire joint job going to the right speaker!!! All this, and yet, so many have praised this room for it's natural and engaging sound! I personally disagree though, but that's just me!
Vintage 80's Quad gear!
CMY demo-ed the very balanced, yet big sounding Dynaudio Confidence C1 with Jeff Rowland electronics on one of the smaller rooms upstairs. Cables by Siltech and power supply by RGPC. One of Hifikaki's top 3 fav demos. He likes the overall fatigue free, organic sound with big solid bass coming from the small Dynaudio C1s. I couldn't agree more!
Another CMY demo is the Prima Luna tube amps, CD player with Usher Tiny Dancer pairing.
Yet, more CMY demos, this time it's the Naim/ProAc partnership.
C&O Enterprise made it's maiden appearance in KLIAV with Telos tweak guru, Jeff Linn, on hand to answer all your questions and doubts(if you have any) about his products. Also on demo were Onix speakers and electronics with all cables and accessories by Telos(who else?), which many remarked about the "Nice" sound.
JAS Audio room demo-ed their full range of electronic, speakers and Zion isolation bearings, which my hifi buddy bought a set, found it so....... good, he went back to the show again on the second day hoping to get another set, only to be disappointed, that all the Zion stock that they brought in for the show was sold out! He swears by the Zion 4 in 1 bearings now, and intends to order another set from Hong Kong.
Zion 4 in 1 bearings, my hifi buddy just couldn't get enough of them
More show reports to come later!
You are one darn hardworking blogger! I know how difficult it was to take all those nice photos and write up the comments, it is no small feat doing it alone.
I think all readers of this blog and the show participants would thank you for your fine effort!
Thanks for the kind words. ML was too busy to cover the show and you wanna enjoy the show so.....
That's how it became my task, rather unwillingly! Coffee on you my friend.
Yes Panzer, kudos for the effort! I found the Harbeth room a little hot on the treble, maybe that's called transparency? :)
I had to confess. When I first went in the HiWay Laser room which was demo-ing the ATC speakers, I found the sound underwhelming.
Since there were no people in the room, I crank the volume up on the Krell preamp. The higher I went, the better the sound becomes.
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